The Robins City Council has been fiscally conservative over the years. This has resulted in a City Property Tax Levy which is the lowest in Linn County and roughly half the rate of the other Metro communities. We believe these low rates will help the long-term success of your company and your employees that live in Robins.
If a new business that is unique to Robins will result in substantial capital investment and new employees, the City Council will consider partial property tax increase abatement. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
REDI will assist with other incentives that are available. These may include State Incentives, Federal Incentives, Utility Incentives, or 260E Incentives through Kirkwood Community College. We are here to help to make sure your business gets the support available to help you succeed.
The Urban Revitalization Act, Chapter 404 of the Code of Iowa, is intended to encourage development, redevelopment and revitalization within designated areas of a city by authorizing property tax development incentives to the private sector. Qualified real estate within a designated area may be eligible to
receive a total or partial exemption from property taxes on improvements for a specified number of years, with the goal of providing communities with a long-term increase or stabilization in the local tax base by encouraging new constriction which might not otherwise occur.
Learn More
- City of Robins Urban Revitalization Plan
- Tax Abatement Application – Return Completed Forms to Robins City Hall or email to info@cityofrobins.org